DDE Server |
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FlashProManager can function as a DDE server for simple transfer for data from FlashProManager. DDE (dynamic data exchange) is a technology that allows inter-process data transfer between two applications. It is useful for extracting datalogging values from FlashProManager for further analysis.
Server: FlashProManager
Topic: Calibration Item: Name Returns the calibration name if a calibration is loaded. Excel example: =FlashProManager|Calibration!Name
Topic: Datalog Item: FrameCount Returns the number of datalogging frames. This is updated dynamically when datalogging. Excel example: =FlashProManager|Datalog!FrameCount
Topic: Sensors Item: Count Returns the number of sensors. Excel example: =FlashProManager|Sensors!Count
Item: Names Returns an array of sensor names. Excel example: =FlashProManager|Sensors!Names
Item: Values Returns an array of sensor values. Excel example: =FlashProManager|Sensors!Values
Item: Units Returns an array of the sensor units. Excel example: =FlashProManager|Sensors!Units
Item: sensor name Returns an individual sensor value. Sensor names with space should be placed inside single quotation marks. Excel example: =FlashProManager|Sensors!'Knock Retard'
Note for Excel to display arrays the Ctrl-Shift-Enter method is used to populate a selection with a formula.
Windows Example http://code.google.com/p/hondata-dde-example/
Topic: Calibration Item: Open <filename> Open a calibration. Filename should be absolute (ie starting with drive letter).
Item: Notes <notes> Change calibration notes. New line is designated using $r.
Item: Lock <serial> Lock calibration to supplied FlashPro serial number.
Item: Save <filename> Save the current calibration. Filename should be absolute (ie starting with drive letter).
Item: Close Close the current calibration
Topic: Modification Item: Apply <filename> Enables the modification on the current calibration. Filename is relative to the FlashProManager modifications directory. |