Display Window

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The display window shows some sensor values in a large font. It is useful while dynoing to monitor the engine parameters.





Controls may be added to the window by right clicking on the window and selecting the control to add.  Control properties may be edited by double-clicking on the control or by right clicking on the control and selecting properties.  Controls may be re sized and moved by clicking and then dragging the control outline.


Sensor Selection

The sensor associated with a control may be selected by right clicking on the control and selecting the sensor.  Note that this will reset the display caption, value minimum/maximum to the sensor default.



Controls may be made transparent by settings the 'BackgroundTransparent' property to 'true', so that the background may be viewed or so that controls can be overlaid.


Display Order

If controls are overlaid then the draw order may be set by right clicking on the control and using the 'Send to Front' and 'Send to Back' commands.


Locking Controls

All controls can be locked


Loading and Saving Screens

The current display window layout can be loaded/saved from the 'Display' menu.  Note that images are embedded rather than being linked in the .display file.


Value Control


A value control displays a numerical value from a sensor.


Text Control


A text control displays a fixed text message.


Image Control


The image control displays an image.  Note that only bitmap images may be loaded.


Gauge Control




Clock Control


The clock control shows a digital clock with date and time.


Bar Control


The bar control shows a bar style readout, either vertically or horizontally.


Indicator Control

The indicator control can show either boolean (on/off) value, or a warning once the sensor value is higher or lower than the warning max and min values.



VTEC (VTS) shown as an indicator.



Over rev situation shown as an indicator.


Button Control


The button control is used to show buttons which can be used to start/stop datalogging and recording.  Note that the display window must be locked before these buttons respond to mouse clicks.


Clear Display


This menu item will clear the entire display after prompting for confirmation.