Turbo Advanced Tables

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These are advanced tables used by the ECU in modeling the turbocharger.


Compressor Efficiency

X-axis = compressor mass flow

Y-axis = compressor pressure ratio

Values = compressor efficiency in percent

This table is used to calculate compressor discharge temperatures.


Turbine Mass Flow

Single value = turbine mass flow

This is the maximum flow of the turbine with the wastegate closed.  Once the exhaust flow exceeds this value the ECU may open the wastegate as it does not think the turbine will be able to flow any more exhaust.


Wastegate Flow

X-axis = wastegate position, 0 = closed, 1 = open

Y-axis = exhaust mass flow

Values = wastegate mass flow

This is the mass flow of the wastegate.  Note the flow usually decreases at higher exhaust flows with the wastegate open, presumably from exhaust back pressure.


Wastegate Position

X-axis = exhaust gas energy or power available for turbine

Y-axis = wastegate position, 0 = closed, 1 = open

Values = fraction of exhaust gas energy directed to turbine

This is how much power from the exhaust gas is used by the turbine based on wastegate position.  0 = 0%, 0.5 = 50% etc.


Turbine Pressure Ratio

X-axis = compressor mass flow

Y-axis = compressor pressure ratio

Values = turbine pressure ratio

There also is a high dynamics version of the table.