On Board Datalogging

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The s300 has built in flash memory for datalogging with a laptop. The s300 has 16 mbit (2 mbytes) of memory, and can datalog from 20 to 60 minutes depending on datalogging speed. The s300 v2 and v3 have 32 mbit (4 mbytes) of memory, and can datalog from 20 to 120 minutes depending on datalogging speed and analog input options. The total number of datalogs is limited to 20 before the datalogs need to be download to a laptop or PC. Note: The flash memory has a write lifespan of at least 100,000 write cycles but it is not recommended to set datalogging on constantly.


See Datalogging Parameters for more information about setting up on board datalogging.


To download datalogs from the s300 to a laptop select the 'Datalogging' tab of the S300 Window.



To download a datalog select the recording and either use 'Download', which downloads the recording into SManager, or 'Save As...' which downloads the recording and saves to disk. Datalog recording downloaded into SManager can subsequently be saved to disk as well.


'Delete' and 'Delete All' are used to delete recordings once they are downloaded.


Garbage collection - in order to reduce flash memory wear garbage collection is not performed on deleted datalogs in the s300. Thus if anything but the last datalog is deleted, an unused gap will be left in the flash memory, and the memory capacity subsequently is reduced. Such gaps are automatically returned to available storage once the last datalog is deleted to form a contiguous memory block.