Quick Support

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Quick Support is screen sharing technology provided by TeamViewer which allows Hondata to control your computer for support. Note that using Quick Support is used at Hondata's discretion for certain support problems - Hondata does not provide remote tuning support.


To run Quick Support you need an internet connection.


When prompted by Hondata, use the Help -> Quick Support menu option to start Quick Support.
Alternately you can download and run Quick Support from http://get.teamviewer.com/hondata
It may take 20-30 seconds for the Quick Support application to run.


A dialog may appear asking if you wish to run the application. Answer Yes.



When Quick Support runs, relay the ID code and password to Hondata.



Hondata can control your screen and you will be able to see on your screen what is doing.
After you have finished, the TeamViewer application can be closed.  There is nothing to uninstall.