Setting the Idle Speed

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To adjust the idle speed:


1.Warm up the engine.
2.Set the idle speed to 850 rpm and move the duty cycle adjustment to the middle.
3.Unplug the idle valve.
4.Adjust the bypass screw until the engine runs at 450 rpm.  If you can not reduce the idle to 450 rpm, then you have an air leak. Fix this before proceeding. If the engine will not run with the idle valve disconnected then your bypass port is clogged. Fix this before proceeding.
5.Plug the idle valve back in.
6.Clear the idle valve error. You should now get a smooth idle at 850 rpm.
7.Increase the engine speed to 2500 - 3000 rpm and abruptly let off the throttle.  If the engine speed dips below 850 rpm, move the duty cycle slider to the right. If the engine speed hangs above 850rpm for some time, move the duty cycle slider to left.


Some engines prefer 900 or 950 rpm idle speed.