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Modifications are a sub-set of a calibration that can be used in any compatible calibration.  For example, if you have a custom throttle mapping table it can be imported into any calibration as most of the calibration does not need to be changed - only the throttle tables.


Modifications are accessed from the File menu or on the toolbar.  If the Modification menu / Mods button is not shown, then the current vehicle does not have any modification files available.



Modifications Windows




To install or remove a modification, click on the checkbox or double click the modification.


Note that they way modifications work means that they may change several parameters at once, so installing one modification may result in another modification being shown as installed.  Also some modifications can be shown as installed on a stock calibration.  This is normal.


Creating Modifications


A modification file can be created from the current calibration using the Export button.




Category, Author, Revision, Description, Notes - aid the identification and sorting of the modification.


Vehicle models - shows the vehicle model(s) the modification applies to.


Parameters / Tables - allows the selection of the parameters (P) and tables (T) that the modification contains.  Check the parameter / table to save that parameter/table in the modification.


Export - creates the modification file from the selected parameters & tables.


Update - creates or updates a modification file.  The Category, Author, Revision, Description, Notes are copied from an existing modification file.  Then either the same modification file can be overwritten or a new modification file created.


Note that modifications files which are created will only show in FlashProManager if they are present in the Modifications directory, usually in C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashPro.  Since Windows will not allow write access to the Program Files directory from any application, the modification must be saved to a different directory and then copied using Windows Explorer.