Export Datalog

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The command exports the current datalog file in a comma separated value format.




Fields and Units


frame - frame number
time - frame time (seconds)
rpm - engine speed
speed - vehicle speed (kph)
gear - current gear
map - manifold pressure (bar)
tps - throttle position (%)
injector - injector duration (ms)
ignition - ignition timing (degrees)
ta - air temperature (degrees centigrade)
tw - water temperature (degrees centigrade)
lambda - air/fuel ratio (lambda)
shorterm - short term fuel trim (%)
longterm - long term fuel trim (%)
o2voltage - oxygen sensor voltage
voltage - battery voltage (volts)
eld - electrical load (amps)
vtp -VTEC pressure switch input
vts - VTEC spool valve output
knocklevel - knock level from knock board
knockretard - knock retard from knock board (degrees)
bc_duty - boost controller output duty cycle (%)
analog0 .. analog7
digital0 .. digital7
iatcorr - fuel correction from IAT
ectcorr - fuel correction from ECT
secinj - secondary injector output
ethanol - ethanol content (%)