Ignition Compensation Parameters |
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Important Note Do not use the air and water temperature compensation to compensate for poor running resulting from other problems. Also note that changes made to the air and water temperature compensation tables do not take effect until the ignition is switched off, engine re-started and run for several minutes.
Air Temperature Compensation
This allows the ignition advance compensation by air temperature to be adjusted. The stock behaviour is to retard the ignition timing as the intake air temperatures increases.
Water Temperature Compensation
This allows the ignition advance compensation by coolant temperature to be adjusted. The stock behaviour is to advance the ignition with lower coolant temperatures to offset the slower mixture burn rate.
Ignition Dwell Angle
The ignition dwell angle determines the amount of time the ignition coil charges before discharging to the spark plug. Up to a point, a longer charge time will result in a higher voltage spark.
Note that increasing the coil charge time will increase the temperature of the coil. This is an advanced table - only change if you are sure of the effects.
Dwell Angle
This table sets the coil dwell angle in camshaft degrees. The maximum dwell angle time is about 65 degrees, which is approximately 75% of the available 90 degree window between cylinder events.
Voltage Compensation
This table compensates the dwell time based on battery voltage. Since the ignition coil will provide a higher voltage spark when the battery voltage is higher, the dwell angle can be reduced. The converse is true when the battery voltage is low.
Rpm Compensation
This table compensates for the coil collapse delay.
Also see Fuel Compensation Parameters