Sensor Overlay Settings

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This tab contains options for sensor overlays. There are two sensor overlays - one preset to lambda, and a second overlay for a user-defined sensor. Note that a wideband lambda meter must be used in order to generate accurate lambda information.


Sensor overlay information is gathered when datalogging or when a datalog is loaded. The overlay information can be show on the tables by selecting either Lambda Overlay or Sensor Overlay.



Sensor Overlay selects which overlay to edit.



Sensor select which sensor to overlay for the user defined second overlay.



Conditions set when to record and overlay sensor information. A minimum and maximum for each component can be set in order to limit recorded values to certain engine or driving conditions.


Overlay value sets the limit for values to be displayed.  For example, a limit of 18 for a lambda overlay will not show lambda values over 18.


Transition Delay is the delay between the sensor meeting the conditions and values being recording. This is to allow the sensor some settling time before recording values.