Master Dealer FlashPro

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A Master Dealer FlashPro allows licenses to be allocated to Sub Dealer FlashPros.


Sub Dealer FlashPro


Sub Dealer FlashPros are linked to a Master Dealer FlashPro.

In the Dealer FlashPro window 'Sub Dealer' will appear in the first group.


Master Dealer FlashPro


Master Dealer FlashPros allow allocation of unused licenses to Sub Dealer FlashPros.

In the Dealer FlashPro window 'Master Dealer' will appear in the first group, and an additional button License Allocation is shown.


Sub Dealer List


Total Licenses is the number of Dealer FlashPro licenses purchased from Hondata.

Used Licenses is the number of licenses assigned to Sub Dealer FlashPros.

Available Licenses is the number of licenses available for assignment to Sub Dealer FlashPros.


Double clicking on the Dealer list or clicking the Details button will show the License Allocation for the Sub Dealer.


License Allocation


This shows the license details for the Master Dealer and also the license details for the Sub Dealer FlashPro.


The Adjust button allows licenses to be added or subtracted from Sub Dealer FlashPros.


Show Licenses will show the used licenses for the Sub Dealer FlashPro.


License Adjustment


This allows licenses to be added or subtracted from the Sub Dealer FlashPro.


Invoice is an optional numeric reference field; Reference is a text reference field.